Learn about Jonathan Park

Seven Out of Every Ten Christian Kids are Leaving the Faith After High School

And it's leaving them without a hope or future.
But, we have a solution!
Jonathan Park is a Proven Product with a Transformative Impact!

As Christian parents, we know that there has never been a greater assault on the truth of the Bible than what we’re witnessing in today’s culture. Satan’s deception and lies are being perpetuated in our schools, government, entertainment, and media. Worse, our kids are one of his biggest targets... and it's destroying their faith. We know from thousands of testimonies that Jonathan Park Audio adventures have equipped countless kids with the truth of God's Word and provided them with evidence they need to back it up!
The Experience
With over 2,000,000 albums sold, Jonathan Park has been heard by countless families from all over the globe. A recent survey of our customers showed that the majority of families own every album of the Jonathan Park Adventures! That's amazing — thank you! We know that thousands of kids' lives have been changed forever because of how God's truth is presented in a fun and immersive audio adventure!
Who is Jonathan Park for?
Jonathan Park action-packed audio adventures are for kids and families. The stories are full of faith-building and educational evidence for a Creator. If your family enjoys imaginative and immersive stories packed with biblical truth, then Jonathan Park is for you!
If your kids have never experienced Jonathan Park faith-building audio adventures, we want to highly encourage you to try these stories. We guarantee that they will ignite their imagination and equip them to defend their faith!
Start with the 1st adventure today for just $14.99!
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